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At Central, we believe in the power of prayer! If you would like our Pastors and prayer team to pray for you or a situation, follow the link and fill out our Prayer Request form. Our teams will be notified and will begin to pray! 

Prayer Rooms

Do you struggle with deep emotional wounds, trauma, fear, spiritual darkness, unhealthy relationships, addictions, sickness, or disease?

Total Freedom is based on the principles of the Bible and depends the gifts of Holy Spirit to help understand the roots of our problems, to forgive those who have wounded us, and to repent and receive forgiveness for sin that may be hindering us.Let us help you, with the leading of Holy Spirit, to be set free from ungodly and unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and expectations.



In June 2021, I had my first ever prayer room experience at Holy Spirit Encounter and at Central Church. I was able to walk through things I didn’t even realize were there that needed to be broken off. After having my first experience in a prayer room, I was symptom free of Ulcerative Colitis for nearly 2 years. Since then, I have had maybe 3 flare ups arise, but with the knowledge I have gained and continue to learn, I now know the steps to take to walk through things to get the flares to go away on their own within a very short period of time. I have never experienced being symptom free or pain free for this long of a period of time. I was diagnosed in 2001 (9 years old) with UC, and now I am 32 years old living a pain-free/symptom free life. After tons of doctor visits and medications over a 20 year period, the best “medicine” and healing I have received is through Prayer Rooms! I am so thankful for the teaching and freedom these Prayer Rooms offer through JESUS. I can now continue to live a pain free life and teach others and my children the things I have learned through this ministry. I LOVE PRAYER ROOMS!!

Marsha Smith, Oxford, Ga October, 2023

I am forever thankful for this ministry that changed my life! It was an experience that exposed and revealed deep things hidden that had to be rooted out and dealt with so that I can move forward in my calling and walk with The Lord in a healthier way! Holy Spirit did what only He can do and the ladies that ministered to me were surely handpicked to be such loving, kind, willing & obedient vessels unto the Lord! 10/10 recommend!!  ALL Glory & Honor & Praise to our Most High God!!